Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I Heart Graphic Design

Gooood Morning!
I hope you had a great weekend, I know I sure did. I was up in Muskoka with some of my closest friends and sisters for a little bachelorette weekend. It was beyond awesome- they had so many little surprises throughout the weekend for me including an amazing bucket of all my favorite candies and a customized beer cozy for me- cool! I know right? More on that tomorrow...

I am super excited to tell you a little more about my growing business today, Oatley Interiors (This link is part of the future growing...not  much to see on my site yet!). I have recently expanded to Muskoka, and am now associated with Muskoka Classics Cottage Emporium located in Port Carling. I have done all of my own graphics and business cards for Oatley Interiors and am pretty happy with the look I have created. [Oh, and sidenote- I am so not a graphic designer like my friend here, but I do my best with what I know!] You will probably notice some serious similarities between the look of Design + Doughnuts and Oatley Interiors. I had a really hard time figuring out what I wanted the look of OI to be, and then I realized that what I had done for D+D was perfect. Clean, natural and classic- nothing too over the top, and I think that says a lot about my design aesthetic as well. I now officially have a sign up in Muskoka Classics which is SO exciting- Check it outttt...

Yes... that is a giant moose it is standing beside. You are allowed to pet it in the store. No sitting on it though.

The graphics came pretty easily for D+D, and then once I decided to adopt the same look for OI, I was off to the races. The wood grain background is actually a close up shot of a gorgeous handmade cutting board my mom has in Collingwood, edited down to what you see in the picture. A lot of the fonts I use are from this amazing free font site.... do you want the site? No? Well just in case you do want this amazing resource it's Font Squirrel- seriously, that's the name. I freaking loveee the name. I think using a unique, clear font can make a huge difference when setting yourself apart from others. Try coming up with a few of your own graphics, even if it is just for place settings at a little dinner party- you will be surprised how professional they look!

That's all for now on the OI front- I want to show you an amazing bench seat, roman blind combo I have come up with later this week... Have a great Tuesday!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Happy Friday

Its Friday!
Which means I can say "Happy Weekend!" I am heading up to Muskoka for a weekend of bachelorette mayhem that my sisters and friends have planned for me. Hopefully I will survive...

Lazy Muskoka morning in the canoe house with the sun streaming in.
I have some great recipes and fabric combinations that I am excited to throw your way next week. Are you pumped? Of course you are!
Have a great weekend!
xo C

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Quick Summer Salad

Hey Team,
This is just a quickie today- super, simple caprese salad. Here's the thing- because its so simple, every ingredient you put on the plate has to be top notch. So, the tomatoes must be perfect, almost too ripe for max flavour. I used gorgeous zebra tomatoes, if you pick up heirloom tomatoes that would be ever better! Next, lay down some really fresh Buffalo Mozzarella... really.... is there anything better? I would eat a whole ball of it if I didn't think people might seriously judge me... Now toss on a whole bunch of basil leaves- don't bother to chop the basil, it bruises easily and this salad is supposed to be rustic! To finish sprinkle with Maldon (or your favorite sea salt), fresh cracked pepper and drizzle with aged balsamic and really... I mean REALLY good Olive Oil. Dig in and Enjoy!

xo C 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A New Beginning

Hey You,

I am sorry for neglecting my beloved readers. Its not fair to get you all excited about super, amazing food and design posts only to disappear. I swear I have a good excuse though... I quit my job and I am officially working... completely... for my self! You are probably thinking... "that should mean she has way more time to blog"... well, you are probably right. But, I wasn't totally ready to come out with this exciting news, and now that I have a domain name (www.oatleyinteriors.com) there isn't much there yet! and am busy with clients I wanted to share my excitement!

I snapped the below pic just now on my crabby BB... soon to be iphone, of the organized, amazing chaos that is my life right now. Between juggling clients, social media and planning my wedding its been a bit insane, but I honestly don't know that I have ever been happier. The count down is on for my wedding- we are just inside 7 weeks now- CRAZY.

I can't wait to get back into blogging with you, tell you more about the exciting design projects I have been working on, and my wedding plans! ...OH, and the amazing summer food I have been making!

Talk Soon,
xo C