Monday, April 09, 2012


Did you know everything is closed on Easter Sunday? I didn't. Saying it like that makes it sound obvious- but I completely forgot and therefore had thee most random food in the house. So I felt it made perfect sense to make an equally random dinner. And guess what? It was great!

I will tell you another thing I learned this Easter Sunday... puff pastry needs to be baked within 2 to 4 hours of it being defrosted, not 2 to 4 days. My plan was to make this flatbread a tart on puff pastry which I threw in the fridge on Friday to defrost- I took it out today and it was black. Yah. Black. EW. My perfectly caramelized onions and bacon were cooked and ready to go so I couldn't give up on my plan all together. Enter frozen tortillas... I spread on some tomato pesto, topped with shards of parmesan, frozen peas, caramelized onions and bacon, then baked at 425 for 5 minutes. Taa Daaa. Top with a little more grated parmesan and torn fresh Basil leaves and you have an awesome, light flatbread!

You could do this with pitas and just about anything you have laying around in the freezer or fridge- try it! Be creative!

Have a super fab Monday!

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