Wednesday, August 29, 2012

DIY Gold Leaf Cement Pots

Um, can I just say that I really want to do this asap. I saw the DIY yesterday on Ruffled and it was too good not to share immediately. So if you haven't already seen this... LOOK at the amazing-ness!...

Their tutorial is so simple and quick, you could make the pots in an evening! A beautiful pot like this would look fabulous in a space like the one I was talking about yesterday.

You need to click here to head on over to Ruffled, and have a look for yourself!

These would make a great minimalist centerpiece at a wedding or holiday party. What about mini versions as a party take-away?! Lets be honest- one of these beauties on a clean coffee table would be magic.

DO IT this weekend and show me!



  1. Christen! I LOVE this idea - so much fun. Also, instead of gold leaf, you can try using gold model paint. It looks a lot like gold leaf, but is less expensive, easier to apply and you can potentially paint more intricate designs if you like. I might give this a try this weekend with the kids.

    1. Great idea Kelly, I will have to give that a go as well!
